Here is Lisa’s Electronic Press Kit. If you need additional information please contact:
StrongTree Productions
Office Contact: 847-922-1021
Lisa Weyerhaeuser has loved God and music for as long as she can remember. Growing up in a musical family, Lisa gravitated toward many different kinds of music. She grew up going to church and singing songs about Jesus. She started playing guitar in 4th grade, around the same time a school friend invited her to an AWANA meeting at a local church. That was when Lisa’s journey with God became more personal and an important part of what she wanted to communicate through her music.
By junior high she was writing songs about her faith and singing them for her friends. When she got to college, she met Larry Norman, a pioneer of contemporary Christian music. They became fast friends and soon Larry offered to produce a record for her.
Along with her musical journey, Lisa also continued her schooling and got two masters degrees in religion and counseling psychology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. While there she met and married Dan Weyerhaeuser who has been the youth pastor and now senior pastor of Lakeland Evangelical Free Church in Gurnee, Illinois. They have been a part of Lakeland Church for almost 30 years now. They have three active boys who continue to keep their house full of life and activity.
Lisa feels humbled and grateful for every opportunity God gives her to share her relationship with God through song. She travels extensively throughout the US and Europe. Lisa has shared the stage with Phil Keaggy, Sarah Groves, Randy Stonehill, Larry Norman, Rex Carroll, Whitecross, Glenn Kaiser, and Bob Carlisle to name a few.
Lisa Weyerhaeuser
StrongTree Productions
Office Contact: 847-922-1021
LaLa Lisa
Blue Myrtle Kids Records
P.O.Box 742
Grayslake, Il 60030
Fan Sites
Teen Mother Choices International
TMC International exists to provide churches, other charitable organizations and individuals with the tools needed to serve parenting teenage mothers within their own communities. Christa March, the founder of Teen Mother Choices as taken the materials used in that proven ministry model to formulate extensive training materials and resources.
Teen Mother Choices International
Lisa is passionate about promoting and encouraging Christian musicians.
She is a hub of networking through her group, StrongTree Productions, hosts an annual musicians retreat in the spring, and is constantly promoting her musician friends. Connect with Lisa and others on the StrongTree Facebook Group.
Lisa is often a featured speaker at several Christian Camps.
Phantom Ranch Bible Camp, Mukwonago Wisconsin
Lisa is available for kids concerts as La La Lisa. She brings the Big Green Alligator and Silly Bob the Monkey on her musical outings to sing and dance along.
For an evening of crazy songs, furry friends, and lots of bouncing, joyful fun — check out La La Lisa’s newest CD ”Big Green Alligator“. You can invite her to join you for a fall kick–off, VBS finale or kids outreach to your community. This program is designed for children up to 10 years old.
Pre-teens and Teens find Lisa’s worship to be contemporary and meaningful to their experience.